Duly noted. As far as why they don't have that many fans, want to elaborate? 我会留意的,至于为什么他们没有多少粉丝,你能详加解释下吗? Uzi, the Godlike ADC you saw, has a rather long history of being a pretty vicious rager in Solo Queue. (He's only 16 btw.) That nickname of ''puppy'' has a double meaning. When he's fed, he can often times be a rapid dog in gameplay and in words. uzi,如你所见的神级ADC,在单排时有着长久的喷子历史(顺便一说他只有16岁) 那个“小狗”的外号有着两重意思,他送人头的时候,不但游戏里速度快过狗,嘴里也不会闲着。 That's not the reason why they don't have a lot of fans. The reason is that Royal and OMG are rather new and WE has been way more successful untill early S3. It's like comparing TSM with Vulcun and C9. Some people may like the new teams but the majority is still going to cheer for the old guard. 那可不是他们没有很多粉丝的原因,真正的原因是皇族和OMG都是新兴战队,而且WE直到S3早期都是最成功的的战队,这就像TSM跟vulcun和C9的区别。有些人或许更喜欢新战队,但大多数人更中意老牌队伍。 What? Royal Club has so many haters in China it's not even funny. Their haters definitely outnumber their fans. It's not just because they're new that they have no fans. 啥,皇族俱乐部在中国有这么多黑子?这可不好玩。皇族黑的数量远远超过了皇族粉,可不只是因为他们是新战队。 let's just say Uzi has the reputation of Woong in China (besides being good) 这么说吧,UZI在中国的名声就跟woong在韩国差不多(除了好的一面) Just out of curiosity, what did he 'allegedly' do (or did do)? 好奇的问一下,uzi到底干嘛了? He just rages a lot 他就是经常喷人。 Royal Club forever! They are just so talented and extremely fun to watch. while omg has been so strong in groupes, royal has the unpredictable element of godlike and whitezz. This is why all casters chose OMG instead. if royal stays consistent, expect them to march on to the finals. 永远的皇族俱乐部! 他们的比赛是如此的才华横溢极其值得一看。当OMG在小组赛里表现得如此强大的时候,皇族却显得不可预知,结果所有的分析都看好OMG。如果皇族保持这样的状态,必将能进军决赛。 "we didn't want to be tourists" -tabe 2013 “我们不想成为旅游队”tabe如是说 Oh that makes so much more sense I thought he said terrorists 当时我以为他说的是不想成为恐怖分子,还以为有啥深意呢。(tourists发音近似terrorists) same, haha 我也是,哈哈 [编辑:烟小弟]