来 源:TGA编 辑:烟小弟发布日期:2013-09-24 11:54
还记得本次S3小组赛OMG第一次碰SKT1的时候,上路瞎子被皇子抓到时的那个暂停么? lovelin的瞎子在这个时候看,是非常危险的,而在这时候,小伞突然叫了暂停,原因是机器出现了故障,而暂停回来后,柚子的婕拉闪现过来让盲僧W成功逃走。实际上,OMG在本次暂停是占到了便宜的,因为当时的情况,婕拉能否反应过来交闪现让盲僧逃跑谁也不好说。而在赛后,美国的论坛上对于这次暂停的讨论并不多,因为大家还是普遍认为这是一个意外。 而第二次,OMG对上SKT1的时候,又是在非常惊险的时候,OMG选择了叫暂停:Faker的中单狐狸突然发难想要单杀无状态的辛德拉,无状态已经只剩下一丝血在塔下,而这时候,比赛再度暂停,小伞的机器再次出现问题。暂停回来后,Faker的那一下普攻的前摇已经打出,但是暂停回来了那次普攻没有A出来。辛德拉极限反杀狐狸,而EZ的大招也带走了辛德拉。这次的暂停,又是扑朔迷离,首先,如果没有这次暂停,辛德拉是否能及时反应做出反杀的极限操作?其次,没有这次暂停,EZ会放出那么精准的一个大招么? 答案我们无从知晓,但是这一次的暂停让美服论坛上的很多观点直指OMG。 下面是摘录的一些美服论坛的回帖及翻译: 1.All because of just one pause...... 全都是因为那个暂停… 2.OMG's pauses are getting out of control. It seems like OMG only pauses right before their deaths. They did this with SKT last game as well. I feel like they use that time as like a psychological pause to focus on the game again or something. Riot should have some rules against this or something. OMG简直暂停上瘾了,而且只有他们的人命悬一线的时候才会暂停,上次对阵SKT的时候他们也是这样搞。 我感觉像是他们需要通过暂停来集中注意力或者什么的。RIOT应该设立相应的规则来限制这种行为。 3.what's with OMG keep pausing at the moments before they're about die, and then when they unpause, they turn it around? It happened in both two games vs. SKT. At least that mid push was insane. 为什么每次OMG在自己人要挂掉的时候都要暂停,而且恢复暂停后总能扭转必死的局面?两次对阵SKT都是这样,至少这次中路的暂停太疯狂了。 4.Damn, if that's where OMG paused then I can understand the annoyance on SKT's part. 靠,如果那个暂停是OMG发起的话,我就能理解为什么观众都要支持SKT了。 5.That pause seemed deliberate the 2nd time............ 这次暂停似乎是故意的…… 6.Riot must do something about these pauses. OMG is really abusing it. Faker was bursting Going and in the middle of the fight the game paused. On their first match they paused early too and swap lanes. They are clearly abusing by pausing games. Riot一定要对暂停做一些限制,OMG真的是在恶意利用暂停。faker的节奏被那个暂停打乱了,他们第一次的比赛也是这样,OMG明显是在恶意利用暂停。 7.OMG's pauses were really suspicious especially both of the pauses were the key point of the games. I really hope that was not their abuse. As a Chinese, it will be really hard for me to root for them if they did it on purpose. I would rather them lose all of their games then abused pause like that. Someone needs to explain it. OMG的暂停意图太令人怀疑了,尤其是两次都是在关键点上暂停了比赛,我真心希望他们不是在恶意利用暂停。如果他们真是故意那么做的,作为一个中国人,我也很难再为他们加油了。我宁愿他们输掉所有的比赛也不想看到他们那样利用暂停,谁出来解释一下。 8.Those pause timings from OMG.....such a cheating team. OMG的那些暂停……真是赖皮战队。 9.A kill that would have been Faker's had they not paused in the first place 如果他们没暂停的话,FAKER当时能完成击杀的。