来 源:网络编 辑:烟小弟发布日期:2013-09-26 14:43
Tabe has me in tears! What a great guy. So nice to see international love. tabe让我泪流满面!真是个好人,能见到国际大爱真好。 Tabe best interview NA 北美最强tabe采访(恶搞北美最强瑞文) I'm glad people are finally on the Uzi bandwagon, he's generally been ignored by this sub-reddit. There was a 'best adc' poll on here not too long ago and he got 1% of the vote despite the fact that he was been dominating top tier chinese ad carries for 2 LPL seasons. 我很开心大家终于开始关注uzi了,他以前在reddit论坛上基本上都被忽略了,尽管uzi在LPL上横扫中国ADC,但之前不久这里的“最强adc”的投票中,他只有1%的支持率。 To be fair, namei is the chinese adc mvp and is pretty evenly matched with uzi 公平的说,娜美是中国ADC中的MVP,而且他和uzi基本旗鼓相当。 Honestly, I wasn't very exposed to him, and had no idea he was so good. I'm sorry I ever doubted you Uzi xD 坦白讲,我根本没了解过uzi也不知道他有这么厉害,很抱歉我曾怀疑你的实力,uzi。 The Chinese teams have impressed me a lot more than the Koreans. The aggression and team fighting by both OMG and Royal were amazing. 中国的队伍要远比韩国队伍更让我印象深刻,皇族和OMG的侵略性和团战水平太让人惊奇了。 Good fucking luck, Fnatic. fnatic,祝你们好运。 I think its safe to say Uzi lived up to the hype, his mechanics and reaction speed are truly astonishing. 我想现在可以说uzi达到预期的表现了,他的技术和反应速度真的让人惊讶。 Tabe has better English than most EU LCS players :D tabe的英文比大部分的欧洲选手还要好啊 Tabe showed incredible sportsmanship, it's a shame Royal and OMG had to face each other. tabe展现出了难以置信的体育精神,皇族和OMG抽到一起实在太可惜了。 Putting the Uzi hype train aside (I still agree that he's fucking insane), everyone on Royal played those teamfights amazingly. Great initiates from Tabe and peel from the entire team to enable Uzi to kite like crazy. Great games to watch with some nice teamfighting by both Chinese teams. 把对UZI的推崇先放一边(我也同意他很可怕),皇族所有人在团战中的表现都很惊人,tabe精妙的开团分割了整个阵型让uzi能疯狂的风筝。一场两只中国队伍精彩团战的比赛。 HOW FUCKING ADORABLE IS TABE tabe真他娘滴的可爱。 Shout out to Tabe, so well spoken and humble after the games. Take notes people, that's how you interview. 为tabe尖叫,口才又好,赢了还这么谦逊。赶紧大家都用本子记下来,以后你接受采访就学着点。 I've never watched a Chinese LCS game. I might start now. 我从没看过中国LCS比赛,我可能要开始看了。 Called the LPL, bro. And welcome to the club <3 But not Royal Club. You'll find out why they don't have that many fans/why many Chinese fans feel strongly about them. 那边的是叫LPL,哥儿们,还有欢迎来到俱乐部,但不是皇族俱乐部,你会发现为什么他们在中国没多少粉丝,以及为什么很多中国LOL粉丝对他们态度强硬。