

来 源:未知编 辑:锄禾日武当发布日期:2012-06-08 14:23
Draven Guide!!!(Top,Jungle,AD bot,Dominion)!^_^!
by Annika
9 Greater Mark of Strength
9 Greater Seal of Resilience
9 Greater Glyph of Warding
3 Greater Quintessence of Strength








I am just going to post the Basic Final builds read below for more in depth


boots-of-speedhealth-potion4>(dorans-bladex2 or wriggles-lantern or hexdrinker)> (berserkers-greavesorboots-of-swiftnessormercurys-treads)>the-brutalizer>infinity-edge>warmogs-armor>atmas-impaler>youmuus-ghostblade>(Sell Wriggles for frozen-malletorthe-bloodthirsterorguardian-angelor if you bought Hexdrinker upgrade to maw-of-malmortius)









Bot AD:

boots-of-speedhealth-potion3>(dorans-bladex2 or bf-sword)>(berserkers-greavesorboots-of-swiftnessormercurys-treads)>infinity-edge>zeal>(If the other team has two or more people with 100+ armor get last-whisper if not phantom-dancer)>(Get the other item)>the-bloodthirster>(quicksilver-sashorguardian-angelortrinity-force)





prospectors-bladeboots-of-speedhealth-potion2>(berserkers-greavesormercurys-treads)>phage>infinity-edge>entropy>sanguine-blade>kitaes-bloodrazor>(Sell prospectors-blade for the-black-cleaver)



Oh yeah and did i mention FOR THE LOVE OF GOD BUY WARDS!!!!! Lol. They are very important





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Welcome!!! I'm LofLGirl/Annika and this is my first guide! Feel free to add me :D! So i made this guide on Draven because i have been playing him PBE and now today on the real server :D He is amazing fun and i can't find a guide for him maybe i'm and idiot and just looking in wrong places but here is mine ^_^! Enjoy!

This is NOT a copy i made a new account!

My name in League of Legends is LofLGirl


If you get ignite and flash


Why: I get the increased damage while ignite is down so i can harass and overall do more damage in and out of lane while ignite is down , then mana regen and mana per level so i never run out of mana

If you get Heal and flash ( My favorite )


Why: Instead of getting the increased damage when ignite is down i get one point into the increased damage to minions to make last hitting a breeze , i get the mana increase per level and mana regen so it allows me to almost never run out of mana in lane



Why: I get the normal damage ones to increase jungle time and make ganks more deadly then some defense for a safer jungle route


Why: I get the normal damage increases but instead of mana regen and more mana per level i get some armor and hp because you can pick up the heal and mana power ups all around the map


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Greater Quintessence of Strength x 3 = +6.75Attack Damage

Greater Mark of Strength x 9 = +8.55Attack Damage

Greater Seal of Resilience x 9 = +12.69Armor

Greater Glyph of Shielding x 9 = 24 Magic Resist At 18

I get these for the bonus Attack damage early on for last hitting and harassing then the rest i focus on survival.

(in total all these runes will cost 8610ip)

Summoner Spells
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[summoners/ignite.png][summoners/flash.png] For the damage early game from ignite , Flash is a must

[summoners/heal.png][summoners/flash.png] I prefer heal and flash because heal can be used in so many ways , to escape ganks , heal you and teammates in team fights , to stay alive , to fake people out like if they chase you can go in bush pop it come back out with +1/4 hp and maybe even get a kill with it

If you jungle : [summoners/flash.png][summoners/smite.png]

If Dominion

[summoners/flash.png][summoners/ignite.png]Heal spell is not needed in Domi so get ignite for bonus damage and to win first fight at top
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[skills/draven/p.png] Passive: Wicked Blades

Draven's Critical Strikes deal bonus physical damage over time. Spinning Axe also causes this effect even if it does not Critically Strike.


Works really well with his Q[skills/draven/q.png]Allows your harass to deal more and even secure kills.

[skills/draven/p.png]Passive = If he Crits you he does 34-38-42-46-50-54-58-62-66-70-74-78-82-86-90-94-98-102 damage over 4 seconds. His Q[skills/draven/q.png]Applies it.

[skills/draven/q.png] Q: Spinning Axe

Draven's next attack will deal bonus physical damage. This axe will ricochet off the target high up into the air. If Draven catches it, he automatically readies another Spinning Axe. Draven can have two Spinning Axes at once.


Main Ability should always have up , makes last hitting a breeze and makes your poke hurt.

Q,[skills/draven/q.png] Spinning Axe = You throw an axe for +45%-55%-65%-75%-85% Has an 12-11-10-9-8Second Cooldown 45Mana, You can catch it and if you keep it up long enough you can have two going at once , They share the same cd so if you don't use them before the time is done they both disappear It also applies his passive. This is his main move! It is amazing fun and makes last hitting / harassing a breeze :)! If i'm not clear pretty much it supercharges your next attack and you can catch it. A tip for this in lane is to use it then the SECOND you throw it turn around so it sends the axe to safety where you can catch it , makes more sense in game when you try it out :)

[skills/draven/w.png] W: Blood Rush

Draven gains increased Movement Speed and Attack Speed. The Movement Speed bonus decreases rapidly over its duration. Catching a Spinning Axe will refresh the cooldown of Blood Rush.


Really good for burst and escaping , in team fights you should always have this up because catching your Q[skills/draven/q.png] refreshes it.

W,[skills/draven/w.png] Blood Rush = Increases movement speed by 40%-45%-50%-55%-60% for 1.5 Seconds and your attack speed by 20%-25%-30%-35%-40% For 3 seconds , This move is really good it gives you a good speed burst to chase or escape ganks and also the attack speed is wonderful and gives you a good burst of dps. Costs 40 Mana Cd is 12 seconds

[skills/draven/e.png] E: Stand Aside

Draven deals physical damage by throwing his axes, knocking aside and slowing his targets.


My Favorite ability Draven has , Can keep people off you , deal decent damage , clear waves , and if used correctly keep people from escaping.

E,[skills/draven/e.png] Stand Aside = He throws out two axes that pushes people to either the left or right side of them depending on where they got hit by them also slows them. Deals 70-105-140-175-210Damage +50% Bonus Attack Damage and slows 20%-25%-30%-35%-40% For two seconds Cd 18-17-16-15-14 Seconds Mana cost 70. Personally this is my FAVORITE ability with the most potential if you are getting chased you can use it to stall them and slow or offensively you can use your W[skills/draven/w.png] run up to them then use this slightly ahead of them and push them back towards you and slow them so you can keep hitting them or this works really well if your jungler is ganking, You can also use this to clear waves and deal decent damage to champs.

[skills/draven/r.png] R: Whirling Death

Draven hurls two massive axes dealing physical damage to each unit struck. Whirling Death slowly reverses direction and returns to Draven after striking an enemy champion. Draven may also activate this ability while the axes are in the flight to cause it to return early. Deals less damage for each unit it hits and resets when the axes reverse direction.


Really fun ult , Can secure kills , deal a good chunk of damage in a team fight , and snipe people across the map and watch the enemy team rage. Very important you hit this if you miss it could lose you a kill , a team fight or even the game.

R,[skills/draven/r.png] Whirling Death = He sends out two axes that do damage , if it hits something it reverses reseting the damage. Things that make it reverse , Champs and side of map or if you use the ability again. Each enemy it hits reduces damage on it by 8% up to 40% and on the way back that resets as well. 175-275-375 Damage + 110% Bonus Attack damage Costs 120 mana and has a 110-100-90 Second CD. Really good ult secure kills and massive damage

Skill Order
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Max Q[skills/draven/q.png].

Max E[skills/draven/e.png]Next.

Get one point into W[skills/draven/w.png] at level 4.

Max R[skills/draven/r.png] whenever you can Duh.


If you jungle:

Max Q[skills/draven/q.png] First

Get one point at level 2 in W[skills/draven/w.png]

Max E[skills/draven/e.png] Next

Max R[skills/draven/r.png] whenever you can


If Dominion

Get one of each then max Q[skills/draven/q.png]

Then max E[skills/draven/e.png]

W[skills/draven/w.png] Last

R[skills/draven/r.png] when you can

Item Builds
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Solo Top:
[items/boots-of-speed.png][items/health-potion4.png](Wait for 4th Pot)
I Always start boots and 4 pots so you can catch your axes :D! And with the current meta being Bruiser top You can easily out poke and harass in lane with your axes and if they try anything You can E then W and win the harass / run

The first time B i ALWAYS get upgraded boots not only to kite but only to catch your axes ! Its a must!
[items/berserkers-greaves.png]If you want more attack speed
[items/ninja-tabi.png]If they are wrecking you and are ad or there team has mostly ad
[items/boots-of-swiftness.png]Only get this if they have a scrub who gets it.... its like to counter there high movement speed examples , Noob Garen gets it , most likly singed
[items/mercurys-treads.png]If they have a lot of Ap or CC

My second time B i get [items/dorans-blade.png]x2 or start building [items/wriggles-lantern.png] I prefer getting Wriggles because it pretty much wins your lane and that armor vs Bruisers and most tops is great plus free ward!!![items/sight-ward.png][items/sight-ward.png][items/sight-ward.png]

I can't stress how important wards are! Yes draven can get out of sticky situations but you never know a stun or slow = dead Draven :c

Or on the second B if it is someone like Rumble[champ/rumble.png] , Vlad[champ/vladimir.png] or Akali[champ/akali.png] get [items/hexdrinker.png]Which you can upgrade to [items/maw-of-malmortius.png]

After that i start building [items/the-brutalizer.png]Because the armor pen is good and good damage and the CD reduction because your CDS are pretty high

After that start building [items/infinity-edge.png] It gives you more Attack damage which scales with all your abilitys but W it also gives you crit which is perfect for your ult :D!

At this point your damage should be pretty good so start building into a [items/warmogs-armor.png] It allows you to stay in the fight longer to deal maximum damage
Also get [items/atmas-impaler.png]Even though it got nerfed it gives armor and crit which is perfect for your passive and if they have ad who is fed / farmed

IF They have MASSIVE Ap damage feel free to fit a [items/negatron-cloak.png]anywhere within this build and later build it into a [items/force-of-nature.png]or[items/banshees-veil.png]

So at this point you should have

[items/boots-of-speed.png](some kind of boots)[items/wriggles-lantern.png]OR[items/maw-of-malmortius.png][items/the-brutalizer.png][items/infinity-edge.png][items/warmogs-armor.png][items/atmas-impaler.png]

At this point either you are really farmed , fed , or its just a long frickin game lol upgrade your [items/the-brutalizer.png] into [items/youmuus-ghostblade.png] For even more burst and if you went with wriggles sell it for [items/frozen-mallet.png][items/the-bloodthirster.png]or[items/guardian-angel.png] :)!

And there you have it the final item build should be [items/boots-of-speed.png](Pick a upgraded one)([items/guardian-angel.png][items/frozen-mallet.png][items/the-bloodthirster.png] or [items/maw-of-malmortius.png]) [items/youmuus-ghostblade.png][items/infinity-edge.png][items/warmogs-armor.png][items/atmas-impaler.png]

AD Bot Draven; Even though i prefer top Draven i decided to include this i will not go in depth because there is a billion AD Guides and pretty much its the same thing for all of them so here :P

Start Boots no matter what even with Soraka or Sona.


Stay in lane as long as you can and get that CS!!!!! Once you go back either get [items/dorans-blade.png]x2 or [items/bf-sword.png] Depending on farm. After that get upgraded boots description for that is above. After that work towards an [items/infinity-edge.png] then get [items/zeal.png] IF they have two or more people with 100+ Armor get [items/last-whisper.png] right away. After that get [items/phantom-dancer.png]Then get a [items/the-bloodthirster.png] For your last item either get [items/guardian-angel.png][items/quicksilver-sash.png]or[items/trinity-force.png]

Jungle Draven; Why not lol. All the roles are taken and you really wanna play Draven Jungle with him he is decent and good ganks with his ult and E.


Start blue then go Wolves , Wraiths , Red , Golems ,Wraiths , Wolves , B You can gank whenever you want if a lane needs.

Final Build should look like :

[items/boots-of-speed.png](Read above to decide what boots)[items/wriggles-lantern.png][items/youmuus-ghostblade.png][items/frozen-mallet.png][items/guardian-angel.png][items/the-bloodthirster.png]

Sorry for being so lazy... IF this guide gets a lot of likes and comments i would be more then happy to go indepth with all this stuff.
Some tips and things about Draven you need to catch the axes or you are screwed and try to get two going as much as you can. and always have W up for faster clearing.


First off i would like to say i LOVE dominion its all about damage and having fun its WAY less try hard and more enjoyable when you want to take a break from Summoners Rift.

As i said Domi is all about damage so first start off with[items/prospectors-blade.png][items/boots-of-speed.png][items/health-potion2.png]

After that get upgraded boots [items/berserkers-greaves.png] or [items/mercurys-treads.png] Depending on how much CC they have.

Then some damage [items/phage.png] after that [items/infinity-edge.png] then [items/entropy.png][items/sanguine-blade.png]

If the game is long or fed get [items/kitaes-bloodrazor.png]and[items/the-black-cleaver.png]

Final build should look like; ([items/berserkers-greaves.png] or [items/mercurys-treads.png] ) [items/entropy.png][items/infinity-edge.png][items/sanguine-blade.png][items/kitaes-bloodrazor.png][items/the-black-cleaver.png]
Playing Draven Top
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Playing Draven top is my Favorite! Current meta being bruisers top gives you an upper hand using your E[skills/draven/e.png] and W[skills/draven/w.png] Both Offensively and Defensively is key for playing Draven top so let me explain.


Most Top champs have a gap closing move for example:[champ/akali.png][champ/darius.png][champ/fiora.png][champ/garen.png][champ/irelia.png][champ/jax.png][champ/jarvaniv.png][champ/riven.png][champ/renekton.png]When they use there gap closing move right away pop your E[skills/draven/e.png] Then W[skills/draven/w.png] and if you can Q[skills/draven/q.png]but make sure you turn the second you use it because if you do you can refresh your W[skills/draven/w.png] and get a clean escape or turn right back at them and bash on them :)!


This will most likely be the scenario if your jungler is ganking or you know you can win in trading damage or they use there gap closer on a minion. First you want to have your Q[skills/draven/q.png] up in lane at all times then cut them off with your E[skills/draven/e.png]For example if they are running away from you use it run infront of them to push them back towards you and or your jungler then use your W[skills/draven/w.png] and just keep hitting them with your axes keep catching them and keep refreshing your W[skills/draven/w.png] :D!

In depth Q[skills/draven/q.png]

This is Dravens most signature move although not my favorite it is what makes Draven shine. You should always have this up in lane either to harass the enemy or last hit with ease. A tip is to the second you throw it you turn around so it makes the axe land in safety this is useful if you verse a hard top or just need to be careful . Remember it refreshs your W[skills/draven/w.png] so in teamfights always have W[skills/draven/w.png]Active . Once you get both Q[skills/draven/q.png]'s up you can do a massive amount of harass or push the lane.

This is the Basics for Draven Top , My favorite if this gets enough likes and comments i would be glad to go in depth with each champ and how to verse them.
Draven Ad Bot
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Draven ad bot is like most ad bots i don't want to go into insane detail when there's a thousand other guides on how to ad carry bot. So lets make this brief. CS CS CS CS CS AND MORE CS get the cs just because you get one or two kills doesn't mean you can stop farming ! Get that CS Also use your Q[skills/draven/q.png] to either poke or get that cs you should never ever go into a dangerous situation to catch your Q[skills/draven/q.png] Especially if you are versing an Ali[champ/alistar.png]or Taric [champ/taric.png] or [champ/janna.png] Because they will mess you up and you could up giving them a free kill. so remember turn your back once you throw it so you can catch it in safety.

If this guides gets a lot of likes and comments i would love to go more in depth but until then just look up one or http://www.solomid.net/guides.php?g=19081
Draven Jungle
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This is a pretty strange thing because i have never seen anyone but myself jungle Draven but it is viable. Start Blue then , Wolves , Wraiths , Red , Golems , Wraiths , Wolves . Then go B or gank a lane when you want. Make sure to catch your Q[skills/draven/q.png]I cannot stress that enough it will make the jungle clear a lot easier and faster! also if you can get two going it is way fast. Even though Dravens jungle route is slow he more then makes up for in ganks, if the lane is over extended its pretty much free food for Draven. Run in there and pop your E[skills/draven/e.png] Push them back and slow also while they are being pushed back you can get one or two free hits on them make sure this whole time you have your W[skills/draven/w.png]Active to deal maximum damage :)! This is a build i do recommend it is so much fun because Draven is also good late game and can bring some much needed damage to the table :D!

Also at level 6 make sure your team is aware you have your R[skills/draven/r.png] it can secure kills and snipe people from across the map :D!!!

I will be making videos soon for all these roles , jungling will be first and if i get a lot of likes and comments i will go more in depth and details
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I LOVE Domi it is some carefree , pure damage , no tryhard fun!I mostly play Draven top in Domi because he brings a lot in teamfights with his damage and his E[skills/draven/e.png]. You want to make sure to catch all your Q[skills/draven/q.png]'s in the first fight at top so you can win the fight and always have your W[skills/draven/w.png] Active! Make sure to keep people off your points with E[skills/draven/e.png] and have W[skills/draven/w.png] up whenever you can because mana in Domi is not really a problem. When you get your ult make sure to be looking at the map to see if they are capping at points if they are use your R[skills/draven/r.png] to keep them off it until your team can get it.

But if you play Draven Bottom or your team makes you make sure to get that farm because why not lol free gold! But also try to have Two Q[skills/draven/q.png]'s up then let loose on there bot and destroy them if you can try to cap there bot then quickly get out of there don't stay there go buy , come back , and protect your bot. When you get your ult check if top needs help if they do use your R[skills/draven/r.png]. a good R[skills/draven/r.png] could win a point or even save your teammates :)!

If this gets a lot of likes and comments i will be going way more in depth
Final Comments
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I really hope you like this!!! First guide of mine :D! If you like it i would make more ^_^ Thanks please give it good reviews and me some feedback <3

Thank you for taking your time to read this :)!


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