国外评皇族:Uzi搞定对手 Tabe搞定观众
来 源:nga编 辑:ken发布日期:2013-09-26 09:07
Tabe is such a nice guy! And Wh1t3zZ falling of his chair was so adorably hilarious wtf. tabe多好一个人啊!还有white从椅子上掉下来太欢乐了我去。 Lol I know! Those Chinese dudes are really passionate yet humble 哈我看见了!那些中国哥儿们真的很热情又谦逊 I denounce Faker as god. The only true god is Uzi. faker算哪门子的神,唯一的神是uzi。 The last time someone pissed off Faker, it didn't end well. 上一次对faker不敬的人,下场可不怎么样。 Tagged as "Faker nonbeliever." You will pay. 标记为“不信我神faker者”,你会付出代价的。 Tagged as "Uzi nonbeliever." You will pay. 标记为“不信我神uzi者”,你会付出代价的。 Uzi cleans up the enemy team during game, Tabe cleans up the crowd after the game. GG uzi搞定了游戏中的敌人,tabe搞定了比赛的观众,GG I am now a Royal Club fan. Uzi is a STUD and Tabe is so damn nice lol. 我现在是皇族粉丝了,uzi就是台柱啊,还有tabe也真特么好。 Tabe does some awesome interviews, answers the questions and comes off as honest and humble. tabe的采访很赞,问题回答的既实诚又谦逊。 Tabe has me in tears! What a great guy. So nice to see international love. tabe让我泪流满面!真是个好人,能见到国际大爱真好。 Tabe best interview NA 北美最强tabe采访(恶搞北美最强瑞文) I'm glad people are finally on the Uzi bandwagon, he's generally been ignored by this sub-reddit. There was a 'best adc' poll on here not too long ago and he got 1% of the vote despite the fact that he was been dominating top tier chinese ad carries for 2 LPL seasons. 我很开心大家终于开始关注uzi了,他以前在reddit论坛上基本上都被忽略了,尽管uzi在LPL上横扫中国ADC,但之前不久这里的“最强adc”的投票中,他只有1%的支持率。 To be fair, namei is the chinese adc mvp and is pretty evenly matched with uzi 公平的说,娜美是中国ADC中的MVP,而且他和uzi基本旗鼓相当。 Honestly, I wasn't very exposed to him, and had no idea he was so good. I'm sorry I ever doubted you Uzi xD 坦白讲,我根本没了解过uzi也不知道他有这么厉害,很抱歉我曾怀疑你的实力,uzi。 The Chinese teams have impressed me a lot more than the Koreans. The aggression and team fighting by both OMG and Royal were amazing. 中国的队伍要远比韩国队伍更让我印象深刻,皇族和OMG的侵略性和团战水平太让人惊奇了。 Good fucking luck, Fnatic. fnatic,祝你们好运。