韩国跌落神坛 国外玩家热评MSI决赛
来 源:国外编 辑:白乃仁发布日期:2015-05-12 09:33
SKT has played 5 game 5s, and this is the first they have ever lost. OGN Champions Summer 2013 Finals, KT Bullets 2 - 3 SKT T1 Season 3 World Championship Semifinals, NJBS 2 - 3 SKT T1 OGN Champions Spring 2015 Semifinals, CJ 2 - 3 SKT T1 2015 Mid-Season Invitational Semifinals, Fnatic 2 - 3 SKT T1 2015 Mid-Season Invitational Finals, EDG 3 - 2 SKT T1 Skt打了5次BO5,而这是他们第一次输 OGN2013夏季赛 KT 2:3负于SKT S3,NJBS2:3负于skt OGN2015春季赛 cj2:3负于skt 2015MSI半决赛fnc 2:3负于SKT 2015MSI决赛EDG 3:2战胜SKT Not to mention, Faker's first loss on leBlanc 值得一提的是,这也是faker第一次用乐芙兰输掉比赛 Exactly. EDG knew exactly what they were doing baiting him into the Leblanc pick. They had a plan, and they executed. Fantastic coaching. 事实上,EDG故意放出乐芙兰让对面选,他们制定了计划,并且执行(取得了好效果),神奇的教练 Honestly Wolf was really bad game 5. Too heavy for Faker. 老实说WOLF第五局的表现太差,心疼蜗壳 EDG losing game 4, and daring Faker to lock in LeBlanc. EDG输掉第四局,骗faker选乐芙兰 RIP Faker undefeated Leblanc in pro play 祭奠蜗壳乐芙兰职业比赛中的不败神话 MSI where the god falls. MSI,众神冥灭之地 And the Kings lose their crowns. 而王者失去了王冠 Honestly they should have first picked alistar for Wolf. He was almost entirely worthless on every other champion the whole series. SKT应该首选牛头给wolf,他的其他英雄在这次比赛中完全没有啥用 Congratulations to Clearlove on his 23rd + LAN victory! 祝贺厂长第23次夺冠 That guy is like the opposite of Doublelift. 厂长简直是大嘴李的反面 (讽刺大嘴李经常吹嘘,却没有成绩) Clearlove is underrated in the West, and has a crazy amount of wins. I'd say that your comparison is fair. 厂长在西方没什么名气,而他却拥有如此多的冠军,我想说你的比较是非常公平的 because you have Misaya and WeiXiao overshadowing him 因为若风和微笑更有名 it's weird how this guy is very rarely in discussion for the one of the best player in the world. Look at all these titles. 很奇怪的是这样一个优秀的选手(厂长)却很少有人讨论,看看这些标题 Well Clearlove has had by far the best teams around him throughout his career of any pro player. He has always been a very good jungler but never quite one of the greats (Dandy/kakao/insec/diamond). He has been overshadowed by his superior teammates throughout his career its a good problem to have tbh. 厂长相比其他人他的整个职业生涯都在很强的团队中,他一直是一个很强的打野但是他并不出彩比如dandy,kakao,insec,diamond,因为他的队友总是更容易夺得世人的瞩目这就是原因所在。 (就是说厂长很强,但不够秀) Each time I mention Clearlove as one of the best junglers in the world it gets instantly downvoted 每次我谈论到厂长是世界最强大野之一的时候总是被踩(点反对) His performance has always been solid, but most of the time he was overshadowed by other stellar players (Misaya, WeiXiao, NaMei, Deft, etc). This championship was one of his best performances, in my opinion he deserves the MVP. 他的表现一直很稳定,但大多数时候被队友的光芒所掩盖,比如若风,微笑,娜美,羊驼。这次比赛是他最好的舞台(表现)之一,在我看来他是当之无愧的MVP Holy fuck, Faker's first competitive loss on Leblanc. 日了UZI了,faker第一次在比赛中用乐芙兰输了 They really baited him into it, feels like it at least. Instant locking Morgana + Sivir. With Alistar and Maokai as well Faker could do NOTHING in this game. Edit: And yes, I know that he did work in lane and in fights, he did his hardest to win this game. But if you have Sivir + Alistar + Maokai + Eve running at you and Morg bindings coming in... he had to Distortion backwards so many times, really weakening his damage. Spectacular performance, but bad pick. 他们(EDG)真的是引诱faker去选乐芙兰,至少感觉上是这样,然后立刻锁了莫甘娜和轮子妈,还有牛头和大树,这导致faker不能在游戏中carry。 (这位玩家的意思应该是轮子妈和莫甘娜都有魔免盾,而牛头和大树太肉乐芙兰造成击杀很困难) 我知道他在线上和团战中尽了最大努力,但是如果你有轮子妈+牛头+大树+寡妇冲向你,莫甘娜随时准备捆住你,他不得不多次后撤,导致他团战贡献伤害不足,精彩的表现,但是悲催的选人。 Faker actually played the morgana lane matchup really well, not missing CS and still providing pressure. SKT's bot lane was just really lackluster that series. Faker面对莫甘娜真的玩的很好压制莫甘娜同时不落后补刀,但是SKT的下路真的是对麻瓜在这次比赛上。 He did do something. As much as he can. The bot lane of SKT T1 that game really under performed and they played so bad. Faker做了他能做的一切,但是SKT的下路表现真的水。 That's the point. Even with Faker playing his best champion to the best of his ability it was just the perfect comp to not allow him to carry 上面的大兄弟说的对,即使faker用他玩的最好的英雄展现最好的实力完美发挥(带着两个麻瓜)也并不能赢 Faker in elo hell. Feels like season 4 all over again. Faker再次感受到S4地狱般支配的恐惧(指S4时期FAKER队友坑他) I don't know what you're talking about! MaRin was doing ok. It's just hard to win games when it's 2v8... 我听不懂你在说什么,marin玩的还可以,只是2V8这游戏能玩? i hope this is a lesson to him, to just bring in faker after the first loss. Easyhoon is a great player but easily countereable 我希望这对于他们来说是个教训,第一场输了就应该上faker,easyhoon是个很好的选手但是容易被针对 That was the ultimate counter to fakers leblanc 这是对faker乐芙兰的超级针对 The ultimate counter to Faker's leblanc was SKT's botlane 超级针对faker乐芙兰的是SKT的下路 The difference between Wolf and Meiko, holy shit. Knowing how Korean fans are harsh, this guy's gonna hear some stuff about him Wolf和妹控的差距,日了UZI了 知道韩国粉丝战斗力非常强,wolf应该很快就可以感受到了 Wolf is swimming back to Korea I'm assuming 我猜Wolf正在游回韩国。。。。。 Lol no, I meant it as '"God is dead" - Pawn' since he wrecked Faker in team fights that game and prevented the snowball. But damn that was quick! 不要啊,我的意思是只从胖将军在团战中限制住了faker阻止了他滚雪球就好像神被困住一样,但是这一切来的太快了 Third time's the charm, baby. 这已经是第三次了,宝贝 I swear Meiko is so underrated. 我发誓妹控被低估了 Yeah feel like ppl are just jumping on the Deft hype train easily because he's an imported korean, but Meiko did a ton in laning and teamfight to make Deft looks good. 感觉上是抱住了外援选手deft的大腿,但实际上是他在线上和团战中的众多贡献让deft看起来表现好 (外国还是有明眼儿人嘛) Yup, it's even more impressive when you think about the fact that this is his first time at an international event playing against the best team in Korea. 是的,当你意识到这是他第一次在国际比赛上就面对韩国最强战队的时候会印象更加深刻